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Wine Farm

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What are the firm's hours?
    SCM's normal business hours are from 6:30 am to 4:30 pm Monday thru Friday. Our office is closed on all major U.S. holidays including Good Friday.
  • Where are my investments held?
    No securities or cash are held at SCM. Rather all securities are held at the custodian financial institution where you opened your account, where SCM acts as an advisor on those assets.
  • Where do I mail a check for deposit to my Pershing account?
    Please do not send checks to Schnieders Capital Management. All checks should be deposited using mobile deposit or mailed directly to Pershing as follows: IRA contributions and checks to be allocated to multiple accounts (split checks)* Pershing LLC 1 Pershing Plaza Attn: Imaging Center 3rd Floor Jersey City, NJ 07399 Non-retirement Via Overnight Mail Pershing LLC Attn: 382121 500 Ross Street 154-0455 Pittsburgh, PA 15262-0001 Non-retirement via 1st Class Mail Pershing LLC PO BOX 382121 Pittsburgh, PA 15250-8121 Transfer Checks via Overnight Pershing LLC – Transfer Processing Attn: 382091 500 Ross Street 154-0455 Pittsburgh, PA 15262-0001 Transfer Checks via 1st Class Mail Pershing LLC – Transfer Processing PO BOX 382091 Pittsburgh, PA 15250-8091 *Please include the nine-digit account number on the face of each check. Note for Retirement Account Contributions, please write contribution type on the face of each check - Current year or Prior Year and for a SEP account Employer or Employee. Additional information: Make check payable to the title of the account or to Pershing LLC FBO the title of the account. (Checks made payable to Pershing Investment Manager Services, Pershing IMS, Pershing PAS or Pershing Advisor Solutions will not be accepted and will be returned).
  • Does Pershing have a Mobile app for depositing checks?
    Yes. Mobile check deposit is available. This feature provides a convenient, easy way for you to deposit checks into your account(s) held with Pershing Advisor Solutions. More information can be found in the mobile check deposit user guide below: Pershing Mobile Check Deposit Guide Link
  • How do I wire transfer funds to my Pershing account?
    Please provide the following details to the financial institution that will be transmitting the funds: Bank: ………………………………..Bank of New York Routing #: ……………………..……021000018 Beneficiary: …………………………Pershing LLC Beneficiary Account #: …………....890-051238-5 Ultimate Beneficiary: …………...... (Title of your account) Ultimate Beneficiary Account #: … (Your Pershing nine-digit account #)
  • Where do I send my check for deposit to my Charles Schwab account?
    Please do not send checks to Schnieders Capital Management. All checks should be deposited using mobile deposit or mailed directly to Charles Schwab & Co., INC at the following: Via U.S. Mail to: Charles Schwab & Co., INC P.O. Box 982603 El Paso, TX 79998-2600 Via Overnight Mail to: Charles Schwab & Co., INC 1945 Northwestern Drive El Paso, TX 79912 Additional information: Make check(s) payable to the title of the account or to Charles Schwab FBO the title of the account. Please include your account number on the check. For IRA contributions, please state the year that the contribution is to be applied. For SEP IRA contributions, please state Employer or Employee contribution. Checks payable from an insurance, escrow, or title company require the endorsement of each party named on the payee line.
  • Does Charles Schwab have a Mobile app for depositing checks?
    Yes. Mobile check deposit is available. This feature provides a convenient, easy way for you to deposit checks into your account(s) held with Charles Schwab & Co., INC. More information can be found in the mobile check deposit user guide below: Charles Schwab Mobile Deposit Link
  • How do I wire transfer funds to my Charles Schwab account?
    Please provide the following details to the financial institution that will be transmitting the funds: U.S. dollar currency only (originating inside U.S.) Bank: ……………………………..Citibank N.A., New York Bank address: …………………..399 Park Avenue, New York, NY 10022 Routing #: ………………………..021000089 Account: ……………………….....Charles Schwab & Co., Inc. Account #: ………………………..4055-3953 Ultimate Beneficiary: …………... (Title of your account) Ultimate Beneficiary Account #: (Your Schwab eight-digit account #)
  • Do you allow clients to make automatic deposits or withdrawals?
    Yes. You are able to set up direct deposit, periodic withdrawals or deposits from or to your bank account electronically, and more. Please contact our office for more information on how to link your brokerage account to your bank account for standing or periodic electronic transfers.
  • Will Schnieders Capital Management help me figure out my RMD (Required Minimum Distributions for my IRA’s?
    Yes. For inherited IRA accounts we may need to obtain more information from you.
  • Do you provide financial planning?
    Yes, we provide a range of financial planning services.
  • Do you charge for financial planning?
    No, we charge one inclusive fee that includes financial planning.
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